1. 元月6日-8日,武大经管院招聘团队将赴芝加哥在全美经济学年会上面试70位年轻才俊。希望其中6-10位能于夏天签约珞珈,进一步充实我们的师资队伍。
2. 经管院AACSB国际认证工作仍在加紧推进。希望AACSB专家能于2017年前来珞珈赴约,评估我们的工作。
3. 国际计量经济学会第四届中国会议将于6月9日-11日在武汉大学经济与管理学院举行。目前已承诺的主旨演讲嘉宾有:
- Hsiao Cheng, USC, Econometrics, a Fellow of the Econometric Society, Co-Editor of Journal of Econometrics.
- Elie Tamer, Harvard, Econometrics, a Fellow of the Econometric Society, and a former Co-editor of Econometrica and Quantitative Economics.
- Jonathan Eaton, Penn State U, International Economics, a Fellow of the Econometric Society, Associate Editor of Journal of International Economics.
- Faruk Gul, Princeton, Micro Theory, a Fellow of the Econometric Society, Associate Editor of Econometrica, a former Associate Editor of Journal of Economic Theory.
- Paul Romer, Macroeconomics, Chief Economist of the World Bank (if his travel schedule permits).
除了主旨演讲外,还有相当多的Invited Sessions和Organized Sessions。目前承诺参与的有Shakeeb Khan (Duke), Arthur Lewbel (Boston College), Lung-fei Lee (OSU), Xiaohong Chen (Yale), Tong Li (Vanderbilt), Han Hong (Stanford, if his travel schedule permits), Yingyao Hu (Johns Hopkins), Cheng Wang (Fudan), Guoqiang Tian (Texas A&M and SHUFE), Yi Huang (Graduate Institute Geneva), Pengfei Wang (HKUST), Cheng-Zhong Qin (UC Santa Barbara), Yeneng Sun (NUS), Xiaodong Zhu (Toronto), Yi-Chun Chen (NUS), Kevin Huang (Vanderbilt), Shuaizhang Feng (Jinan U), Ruqu Wang (Queens, Zhejiang U), Albert Park (HKUST), Susheng Wang (HKUST), Yong Wang (HKUST and Beijing U)。邀请还在进行中,不久我们还将邀请国内知名教授和年轻有为的学者参与,武大经管院自己的队伍也将有所展示。这次会议获得海内外众多学者的支持,令人兴奋。会议征文启事已经上线,欢迎大家踊跃投稿。我们约你前来珞珈分享思想盛宴。
4. 经管院设有相当多的学术讲座系列,如您希望来珞珈分享您的最新发现,欢迎和我们一约。“今日珞珈讲座”不断实时更新。
5. 我们邀约海内外兄弟院校、智库、研究机构、政府部门、企业前来珞珈商讨多方面的合作。
6. 对于我们的校友,学院的大门永远敞开。一朝珞珈人,永远武大魂。欢迎各位前来珞珈分享经历与智慧,这些无形的财富将影响和凝聚珞珈的一代又一代人。常回“珈”看看!